Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

All My Kickstarter dashboards - Part 2

It’s a common rookie error to make a campaign as long as possible in the hope of raising more money. But in the data here there’s no correlation between funding length and total funding raised.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

All My Kickstarter dashboards

A key part of the Kickstarter dashboard is a chart showing funding progress over time. Every chart tells a story. Here are my stories.

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Rob Hallifax Rob Hallifax

What have I been talking about for the last year? (Part 1)

I've been writing every week for almost a year now for my Kickstarter blog. Although it's ostensibly about crowdfunding, it's really more generally about making things. Over the next few weeks, I'll be writing a mini series summarising and linking to some of my articles so far.

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